Showing 7 Result(s)


Dark, porous and rough fettuccine: this is how the Struncatura (Italianized, “Stroncatura“) presents itself, a symbol of the gastronomic identity of a part of Calabria. Stroncatura, was popular among the poor people of the Calabria region. The reason Stroncatura was so inexpensive was that it was created from the sweepings on the factory floor at the …

pastiera recipe
Dolci Easter Recipes

Authentic Pastiera recipe.

Celebrate Easter with this authentic recipe of Neapolitan Pastiera according to Master Pastry Chef Scaturnio directly from Naples. Easy to make. This is one of the most widespread desserts especially during the Easter period in Calabria but mostly everywhere in Italy. It is a typical spring dessert, and at Easter, it can never be lacking …